We performed a Remedial Action (RA) involving the detection, removal, and disposal of Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) on the surface and in subsurface soils on more than 150 acres of a former munitions manufacturing and processing facility in Cranbury, NJ—the site of munitions and hazardous/toxic waste burial areas and a historical explosive accident that spread MEC across the property. We utilized hand-held metal detectors, as well as performed excavation with armored earth-moving machinery and a sophisticated 2-plant mechanical screening system equipped with magnets, for the detection and removal of MEC. We performed disposal of MEC under our ATF license by explosive detonation for high explosive MEC items and a mobile thermal destruction unit for other MEC items. Asbestos-containing material was also removed from burial areas, segregated, and disposed of in a local landfill. We achieved the RA goals and response complete for MEC, our work was accepted by the state regulator and the property has since been redeveloped for industrial/commercial use.