Client: USACE Omaha District
Under two performance‐based Environmental Remediation Services contracts totaling $90‐million, we are responsible for the optimization, operations, and maintenance of groundwater extraction, treatment, and reinjection facilities. The project also requires that we:
- execute the installation-wide and off-site groundwater sampling and monitoring program
- manage the data validation program for the entire Pueblo Chemical Depot environmental program
- operate and maintain the off-post treatment systems associated with an explosives contaminant plume
- execute all sampling and analysis applicable to the pump and treat units and off-post treatment units
- conduct munitions response activities including analog detector surveys, digital geophysical mapping, intrusive investigation, explosive demolition and other investigative and removal/remedial actions
We are also responsible for annual updates to the Decision Criteria and Methodology for Identification of No Further Action SWMUs. In addition, we are conducting RFIs at nine SWMUs that are the locations of former open burn/open detonation of explosives and the burial of leaking mustard agent ordnance. The RFI required:
- groundwater monitoring well installation
- surface and subsurface soil sampling
- groundwater sample collection
- utilization of geophysics to delineate areas of disturbed ground
- chemical and geophysical data assessment and determination of the nature and extent of contamination
- characterization, shipment, and disposal of IDW
- health and safety monitoring, including unexploded ordnance (UXO) avoidance