We helped identify potential environmental impacts and the need for remediation at the TVPF, a former DOD facility developed to store powder, priming, pyrotechnics, incendiary chemicals, and small arms ammunition, as well as for testing and disposal of small arms ammunition. Trichloroethylene (TCE) was released to the subsurface from solvent dumping into a disposal pit and entered the shallow limestone bedrock. Contamination has traveled off the property into the alluvial flood plain of the Meramec River. The project involves extensive surface and subsurface soil sampling, in addition to sampling of over 30 existing shallow and deep wells. We’re responsible for developing a comprehensive Work Plan, Field Sampling Plan, Quality Plan, Data Management Plan, Site Health and Emergency Response Plan, and a Unified Federal Policy Quality Assurance Project Plan. The project includes conducting the RI, preparing the RI/FS report and risk assessment, updating and implementing the community involvement plan, and preparing the Proposed Plan and the Record of Decision.